Unbelohnte Pole Position für Walkenhorst Motorsport Der Saisonauftakt auf der Nordschleife hatte vielversprechend mit der Pole Position begonnen. Doch leider blieb das Glück nicht auf der Seite von Walkenhorst Motorsport. Nürburgring. Nachdem Walkenhorst Motorsport am Donnerstag mit seinem hochkarätigen Fahrer Line-Up bei der diesjährigen Nordschleifen-Saison für Aufsehen gesorgt hat, starte

Walkenhorst Motorsport mit Top-Fahreraufgebot in der NLS und beim 24h Rennen. Die Nürburgring Langstrecken Serie steht im Visier von WalkenhorstMotorsport. Während zwei Pro-Fahrzeuge bis zum 24h-Klassiker amStart sind, bestreitet das Team den Saisonauftakt mit vier Autos. Nürburgring. Walkenhorst Motorsport sorgt auf der Nordschleife für einhochkarätiges Line-Up. Bei den ersten Nür

From October 8th – 10th, Walkenhorst Motorsport didn’t just have a double header but a triple header. While a big part of the team was in sunny Barcelona participating at the GTWCEU and another part was fighting for points in the DTM Championship at the Norisring, the third part spent the weekend at the Nürburgring […]

After a two-month summer break, the NLS finally started into the next round on the weekend of September 9th. The whole Walkenhorst Motorsport team was already looking forward to the event. But this time the race was far from being over after the traditional four hours. Because at this year’s highlight of the season, the […]

Only two weeks after the NLS4, the series continued on the weekend of the 10th and 11th July for the NLS-Doubleheader at the legendary Nordschleife. The Event started with the “61. Reinoldus Langstreckenrennen” on Saturday, followed by the “44. RCM DMV Grenzlandrennen” on Sunday. A total of 140 racing cars took part in the two-times four-hour racing […]

After an eight-week break Walkenhorst Motorsport finally arrived back at the Nürburgring to participate at the NLS4 on Saturday the 26th of June. After a long time that almost felt like forever, spectators were allowed to be back at the track for the first time this year. Based on the Covid19 protocol of Rheinland-Pfalz, only 500 […]

After the clash two weeks ago it was time for NLS 3 and Walkenhorst Motorsport was back with five cars. For the first time it was possible that Christian Krognes was back in Germany and on the car in 2021. Together with David Pittard and Ben Tuck he drove the BMW M6 GT3 #34. Some issues […]